Electric HTTP API

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HTTP API to sync partial replicas of your Postgres data into local apps and services.

See the Electric documentation for more information.

Get Shape

Load the initial data for a shape and poll for real-time updates.

Define your shape using the table and where parameters. Use offset to fetch data from a specific position in the shape log and the live parameter to consume real-time updates.

query Parameters
  • table=issues - the issues table in the public schema
  • table=foo.issues - the issues table in the foo schema

Root table of the shape. Must match a table in your Postgres database.

Can be just a tablename, or can be prefixed by the database schema using a . delimiter, such as foo.issues. If you don't provide a schema prefix, then the table is assumed to be in the public. schema.


The ID of the database to sync from. This is required only if Electric manages several databases.

  • offset=-1 - sync the shape from the start
  • offset=26800584_4 - continue syncing from offset `26800584_4`

The offset in the shape stream. This is like a cursor that specifies the position in the shape log to request data from.

When making an initial request to sync a shape from scratch, you must set the offset to -1. Then, when continuing to sync data, you should set the offset to the last offset you have already recieved, to continue syncing new data from that position in the stream.

Note that when offset is not -1 then you must also provide a shape_handle.


Whether to wait for live updates or not.

When the live parameter is omitted or set to false, the server will always return immediately, with any data it has, followed by an up-to-date message.

Once you're up-to-date, you should set the live parameter to true. This puts the server into live mode, where it will hold open the connection, waiting for new data arrive.

This allows you to implement a long-polling strategy to consume real-time updates.


This is a cursor generated by the server during live requests. It helps bust caches for responses from previous long-polls.

Example: handle=3833821-1721812114261

The shape handle returned by the initial shape request.

This is a required parameter when this is not an initial sync request, i.e. when offset is not -1.

  • where="title='Electric'" - Only include rows where the title is 'Electric'.
  • where="status IN ('backlog', 'todo')" - Only include rows whose status is either 'backlog' or 'todo'.

Optional where clause to filter rows in the table.

This should be a valid PostgreSQL WHERE clause using SQL syntax.

For more details on what is supported and what is optimal, see the where clause documentation.

  • columns=id,title,status - Only include the id, title, and status columns.
  • columns=id,"Status-Check" - Only include id and Status-Check columns, quoting the identifiers where necessary.

Optional list of columns to include in the rows from the table.

They should always include the primary key columns, and should be formed as a comma separated list of column names exactly as they are in the database schema.

If the identifier was defined as case sensitive and/or with special characters, then
you must quote it in the columns parameter as well.

Enum: "default" "all"

Modifies the data sent in update and delete change messages.

When replica=default (the default) only changed columns are included in the value of an update message and only the primary keys are sent for a delete.

When set to full the entire row will be sent for updates and deletes.

Note that insert operations always include the full row, in either mode.

header Parameters

Re-validate the shape if the etag doesn't match.


Response samples

Content type
  • {
  • {
  • {

Delete Shape

Deletes the shape from the Electric sync engine.

This clears the shape log and forces any clients requesting the shape to create a new shape and resync from scratch.

NOTE Delete shape only works if Electric is configured to allow_shape_deletion.

query Parameters
  • table=issues - the issues table in the public schema
  • table=foo.issues - the issues table in the foo schema

The name of the table for which to delete the shape.

Can be qualified by the schema name.


The ID of the database from which to delete the shape. This is required only if Electric manages several databases.

Example: handle=3833821-1721812114261

Optional, deletes the current shape if it matches the handle provided. If not provided, deletes the current shape.
