Proxy auth
Example showing how to authorize access to Electric using a proxy.
Proxy auth with Electric
This example demonstrates authorizing access to the Electric HTTP API using a proxy. It implements the proxy-auth pattern described in the Auth guide.
The main proxy code is in ./app/shape-proxy/route.ts
export async function GET(request: Request) {
const url = new URL(request.url)
// Constuct the upstream URL
const baseUrl = process.env.ELECTRIC_URL ?? `http://localhost:3000`
const originUrl = new URL(`/v1/shape`, baseUrl)
url.searchParams.forEach((value, key) => {
originUrl.searchParams.set(key, value)
if (process.env.ELECTRIC_SOURCE_ID) {
originUrl.searchParams.set(`source_id`, process.env.ELECTRIC_SOURCE_ID)
if (process.env.ELECTRIC_SOURCE_SECRET) {
// authentication and authorization
// Note: in a real-world authentication scheme, this is where you would
// veryify the authentication token and load the user. To keep this example simple,
// we're just passing directly through the org_id.
const org_id = request.headers.get(`authorization`)
let user
if (org_id) {
user = { org_id, isAdmin: org_id === `admin` }
// If the user isn't set, return 401
if (!user) {
return new Response(`authorization header not found`, { status: 401 })
// Only query orgs the user has access to.
if (!user.isAdmin) {
originUrl.searchParams.set(`where`, `"org_id" = ${user.org_id}`)
// When proxying long-polling requests, content-encoding & content-length are added
// erroneously (saying the body is gzipped when it's not) so we'll just remove
// them to avoid content decoding errors in the browser.
// Similar-ish problem to
const resp = await fetch(originUrl)
if (resp.headers.get(`content-encoding`)) {
const headers = new Headers(resp.headers)
return new Response(resp.body, {
status: resp.status,
statusText: resp.statusText,
return resp