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ElectricSQL provides a JSON Web Token based authentication mechanism for clients to authenticate with the Electric sync service.


Your application must generate a valid JWT. This must have at least a sub claim (formerly user_id), which should be a non-empty string matching the primary key UUID of the authenticated user.

Pass this JWT as a string value to the connect function after instantiating your client, e.g.:

const electric = await electrify(conn, schema)
const token = '<your JWT>'
await electric.connect(token)

The client uses the JWT internally to authenticate with the Electric sync service over the Satellite protocol. The sync service must be configured with the correct authentication mode using the AUTH_MODE environment variable.


You can choose to run ElectricSQL in one of two authentication modes:

Secure mode is designed for production use. It requires a signed JWT generated in a trusted environment (usually your backend web application).

Insecure mode is designed for development or testing. It supports unsigned JWTs that can be generated anywhere, including on the client.

Best practices

If you have a backend for your app with a cookie-based login session mechanism already in place, we recommend creating an HTTP endpoint to generate one-off tokens for signed-in users and using that to obtain a fresh token before initializing the client.

Work in progress

We don't currently support unauthenticated use, or changing the authentication state on an active replication connection.

Get in touch if this is a blocker or you need help with a workaround.