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Phoenix is a full-stack web development framework for Elixir.

Electric and Phoenix

Electric is developed in Elixir and provides an Elixir client. We've leveraged this to develop a batteries-included Phoenix integration for:

Electric.Phoenix is published on Hex as


It was inspired by josevalim/sync. You can read José's original design document.

How to use

Front-end sync

Phoenix is a general framework that provides a number of different methods to get data from the server to the client. These include exposing REST APIs and using Absinthe to expose a GraphQL endpoint.

Electric.Phoenix provides an alternative method: exposing Shapes that sync data directly from Postgres into the client. With this, shapes are exposed and configured in your Phoenix Router. For example, here we expose a predefined shape of all visible todos, deriving the shape definition from an Ecto query using your existing data model:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router
  alias MyApp.Todos.Todo

  scope "/shapes" do
    pipe_through :browser

    get "/todos", Electric.Phoenix.Plug,
      shape: Electric.Client.shape!(Todo, where: "visible = true")

Because the shape is defined in your Router, it can use Plug middleware for authorization. See Parameter-based shapes for more details.

LiveView sync

Phoenix LiveView allows you to develop interactive web applications in Elixir/Phoenix, often without writing any front-end code.

LiveView provides a primitive, called Phoenix.Streams that allows you to stream data into a LiveView. Electric.Phoenix provides a wrapper around this to automatically stream a Shape into a LiveView.

The key primitive is an electric_stream/4 function that wraps to provide a live updating collection of items.

def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  socket =
      from(t in Todo, where: t.visible == true)

  {:ok, socket}

This makes your LiveView applications real-time. In fact, it allows you to build interactive, real-time multi-user applications straight out of your existing Ecto schema, without writing any JavaScript at all 🤯

More details

For more details and full documentation see


Phoenix LiveView

See the Phoenix LiveView example. This is an example Phoenix LiveView application that uses Electric.Phoenix.LiveView.electric_stream/4 to sync data from Postgres into a LiveView using Phoenix Streams.

This keeps the LiveView automatically in-sync with Postgres, without having to re-run queries or trigger any change handling yourself.

Gatekeeper Auth

The Gatekeeper auth example also contains a Phoenix application that uses Electric.Phoenix.Plug to authorize shape access and issue shape-scoped access tokens.

Help wanted Good first issue

We have an open GitHub issue tracking this if you'd like to contribute an equivalent integration for other server-side frameworks, such as Rails, Laravel, Django, etc.

Please leave a comment or ask on Discord if you'd like any pointers or to discuss how best to approach this.