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Welcome José, Kevin and Garry!

As we begin the new year, we’re thrilled to share the exciting news that José Valim, the creator of Elixir has joined Electric as an angel investor, and that world-class distributed systems expert Kevin De Porre and seasoned startup engineering veteran Garry Hill have joined Electric as founding engineers.

José is the creator of the Elixir programming language and Chief Adoption Officer at Dashbit. In addition to Elixir, he has had an illustrious career as a member of the Rails core team. José is an active member of the open-source community and a frequent keynote speaker at top technical conferences. He is also the author of three technical books, creator of Plug and is a core developer of Phoenix, Ecto and Numerical Eixir (Nx).

"Exciting to see ElectricSQL bringing the power of the Erlang VM to local-first development."
— José Valim

We are fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate with José, and tap his expertise to help bring our vision for local-first software development into reality!

Kevin De Porre is a world expert in mixed consistency and programming language design for distributed systems. His work includes ECROs: Building Global Scale Systems from Sequential Code and VeriFx: Correct Replicated Data Types for the Masses. Kevin joins Electric having recently received his doctorate from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. We are extremely excited to bring Kevin's expertise on board and believe he will play a key role in defining the future of local-first software development.

Garry Hill is a highly experienced software developer and entrepreneur. He joins Electric from pioneering generative AI startup Hazy, which he took from zero to scale-up phase as Chief Technical Architect, with backing from investors including M12 and Notion Capital. As well as 30 years professional development experience and a passion for functional programming in Elixir, Garry brings a huge amount of engineering leadership and company building experience.

As we begin the new year with a growing team, please take a moment and join us in welcoming José, Kevin, and Garry!